
GPD Project

  Game Design Programming Blog 2301857720 - Octavionus Chandra Technical Specifications Game Name: Vampire's Lair View: 3rd Person View Platform: Windows PC Language: C# Device: PC GAME PLAY  Game Play Outline  The outline of this game will be a basic shooter game. Where Player have to shoot the mobs to survive, the mobs in this game are vampires that can give damage and kill the player. Not only that, the player will also have to find a way out of the lair by exploring the whole map. That way, they can win the game.  Key Features  Player will need to shoot at the vampires to survive, and find their way out through the map to win the game. DESIGN DOCUMENT  - Players will be seen in third person view, and can got hurt if they did not protect themselves from the vampires.  - Vampires will be coming towards the player, even if they were being shot until they die. They will die when they get shot with a lot of damage. Design Guidelines  The design guidelines for this game for the asset